We had a couple of notable events this week, but our activity level is declining. Because of that, I will have an announcement later in the post.

The highlight of the week was a visit from our friend Kathy Powers. Visiting Iowa relatives, Kathy made the drive from western Colorado to spend some time in the Midwest. She visited us with an overnight stay, the second time she’s slept at Heart House. This time, the Quilt Room features new windows that actually open and allow fresh air to circulate while guests sleep. A HUGE improvement.

We enjoyed the visit and having company. It was interesting to catch up with Kathy and exchange stories and tales since our last visit in 2021. Much has happened at Heart House and in Colorado since then.

Pam and Kathy

Several posts back I’d mentioned a visit from Sharon and David Stute, grandchildren of Frederick and Gertrude Stute who once live in Heart House. Sharon had asked us to do some follow-up on the cemetery where her grandfather and grandmother were buried, with an eye to doing some maintenance around the head stone. Sharon received permission for us to fill in the settling area around Grandpa Fred’s stone, and we did that work this week.

Working around the Stute family headstone
Leveled and seeded depression

The cemetery had a few small piles of dirt at one end of the field that could be used for fill. Once I had the new dirt in place, Pam applied the grass seed and watered the area with two containers of water she had brought along. Watering the area for the next couple weeks will be necessary, until the new grass is well established. (Unfortunately, there is no water tap at the cemetery.)

Last night NE Iowa received some very welcome rain which should help the new grass seed and – perhaps – revive some of the extremely dry lawn around the house. More rain is in the forecast for tonight and continuing into tomorrow morning.

And now on to news about the blog and website. I’ve been blogging for almost 15 years, and have tried to do a weekly post during that time. However, I’m no longer as active as I once was, and the number of projects taken on is declining. I’ve decided to cut back on the frequency of blog posts, putting up new content only when something newsworthy happens.

Serving as newsletter, photo gallery, and diary, the blog has been a good way to let friends and family keep up with us over the years. That will continue. For example, I am heading to Colorado in a few days and will have something to say about the trip when I return. There will be one more “bucket lift” weekend to finish the house painting. After that, though, life will be mostly routine — lawn clean-up and snow removal, not exactly scintillating topics.

I will also be removing many of the Galleries that I have created over the years. Many are getting stale with no or few updates since they were created. A few will remain, including the Videos pages and possibly the Heart House gallery (which needs to be updated), but others will be removed from the web site. I will be able to view them from my Mac if and when I want to revisit them.

Current Galleries

I will be leaving the Videos pages up for now as they get some hits and I occasionally add new material. Over time, though, I will be removing a few older and less-interesting clips as well.

Current Videos page

I’ll post again after my return from my upcoming Colorado trip. I am looking forward to viewing the fall colors and, new this year, attending the annual Appreciation Dinner the Garfield County Sheriff’s Office puts on. This year the dinner coincides with my visit, and I am looking forward to attending the event.

That’s it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Penny

Mostly I seem to be entertaining kittens these days; the “Three Amigos” are very time consuming at three months of age. And, sadly, Heart House is not really set up for kitten fostering. <sigh>

Happy Trails.