The past week was rather uneventful for us. Routine jobs were the order of the day after last weekend’s bucket lift work, including some yard maintenance and a few other projects. A few photos are included to show activities around the yard.

Pam transplanted some ferns and began to cut back garden and flower plants. The phlox were cut back, as were the sunflowers and blackberry bushes. All were at the end of their summer cycle of life, made a bit shorter by the lack of rain this year.

Transplanted ferns

The hydrangea bush is in full bloom. The flowers emerge white then turn pink.

Hydrangea in bloom

I finished work on the porch decks, including replacement of 5 spindles in the end railing. The new wood needs to be painted yet, a task Pam says she will take on while I am gone to Colorado in a few weeks.

Wood and railing waiting for paint

The power company guys arrived and removed the orange guards from the power line near the house. We are pleased to see the guards gone.

Power guards removed

The grass seed I had spread on some fresh soil has just begun to germinate. Hopefully the new grass will fill in over the next few weeks, eliminating potential muddy spots that the dogs would walk through, bringing mud into the house.

Grass seed germinating

Other chores were mundane. I cleaned up my work bench, went to Mason City for a haircut, did grocery shopping, and stopped by the Elma library to get copies of a couple pages from a book on Elma’s history.

One afternoon I took out the pressure washer and cleaned the truck then turned my attention to blasting a few places on the garage where birds had managed to land some droppings. One thing about the red paint: It shows off bird poop rather well. A cleaning of the doors and walls, particularly on the alley side, was in order.

Freshly-washed garage

Mostly we did routine tasks and recovered from the long work days of last weekend. Going forward, the next couple weeks will be similar, nothing exciting on the agenda. Lawn maintenance will pick up as more leaves begin to fall and other plants will be cut back in preparation for winter. We will have one more bucket lift weekend but that is not on the schedule yet.

That’s about it for now. Thanks for looking in!

Pam’s Penny

At least the temps are cooler. Kittens are growing fast, and have tons of energy at three months of age.

Happy trails.