
Welcome to the home page of

Jerry and Pam Fields

Family News, Events, And Projects

We are retired and living in NE Iowa in "Heart House," an 1894 Victorian home that needs TLC. With numerous cats and dogs, our central Colorado recreational lot, and Jer's toys we are kept busy. Keep up with us through our Blog Page posts, written bi-weekly, more or less. Feel free to respond; click "Comments" located under the post title to leave a comment or to read comments left by others.

The "About Us" page has general info and a photo of Pam with our 3 dogs, Blondie, Bru, and Jo.

Bucket Lift Weekend. Posted June 12th. View Blog.

Quote of the Week:

"No matter what, people are going to like you or not like you. So be authentic, and let them like you or not for who you actually are.”

~ Kobe Bryant

Featured Photo

 Owl Lake, Colorado

Owl Lake, Colorado

Humor Corner. Click image to enlarge.

Twister game humor